Update May 26, 2014

The concepts in this article are still true, but I’ve recorded a screencast showing how to use ember without ember data using ember-cli and the latest version of Ember. It goes beyond the contents of this article, showing how to create an adapter, store and even your own identity map. Check it out!

Ember Data is a persistence layer for Ember.Js. Unlike Ember, which currently has a candidate for a 1.0 release, Ember Data is still very much a work in progress. This has been a source of confusion for people who are learning Ember, as the two frameworks are complimentary but currently exist in different realms of stability.

Ember Data has ambitious goals, and it has come a long way in the last year. If you’re the kind of programmer who loves working on upcoming stuff, you might find it exhilarating. On the other hand, it is completely understandable if you’d want to avoid it. Deprecations and changing APIs can be frustrating and time consuming.

One thing that is not always clear to people starting with Ember is that Ember works perfectly well without Ember Data! Trust me on this: Discourse doesn’t use Ember Data for persistence and it’s working quite well. Moreover, using AJAX with Ember is something that is not difficult to do.

Ember Models that are just Objects

Ember includes an object model that most people with an OOP background should find familiar. A subclass of Ember.Object works very well for a data model.

Here’s what a class might look like to represent a link from reddit:

App.RedditLink = Ember.Object.extend({});

You could then easily instantiate it and use getters and setters to access its properties:

var link = App.RedditLink.create();
link.set('url', 'https://eviltrout.com');
console.log(link.get('url')); // https://eviltrout.com

If you like, when you construct your model instance, you can pass it a regular Javascript object with the properties rather than setting them one at a time:

var discourseLink = App.RedditLink.create({
  title: "Discourse",
  url: "http://www.discourse.org"

console.log(discourseLink.get('title')); // Discourse

Here’s how you’d bind those properties to a handlebars template:

Title: {{title}}
Url: {{url}}

Once bound to a template like this, if you called set on your model, it would automatically update the HTML.

Accessing Reddit via JSONP

Data models are a lot more exciting when you fill them real data. Let’s write a method that finds the links from a subreddit. Reddit provides a JSONP API that we can access via jQuery:

$.getJSON("http://www.reddit.com/r/" + subreddit + "/.json?jsonp=?", function(response) {
  // response contains the JSON result

The response from reddit’s API includes the colleciton of links under data.children, but their properties are under an additional data attribute. We can loop through them like so, creating instances of RedditLink as we go:

var links = response.data.children.map(function (child) {
  return App.RedditLink.create(child.data);
// links now contains all our `RedditLink` objects!

$.getJSON is an asynchronous call. It follows that our model’s finder method will have to be asynchronous as well. One common approach to dealing with this is to pass a callback function to our finder method. When the $.getJSON call finishes, it can execute the callback with the result. What happens, though, when you need to handle the errors? You’d have to supply two callbacks: one for the error callback and one for the success callback.


This is all much cleaner to do with Promises. Promises are objects you return from your functions. They contain a then method that you can call when the operation is complete.

The nice thing about this is you don’t have to supply your callbacks to your function - you just attach them to the Promise object that your function returns. It ends up being a lot cleaner and simpler to follow. Additionally, Promises can be chained, so that the result of one promise is only passed through to the next function in the chain once it is complete.

jQuery conveniently return promises from all its AJAX calls, so we can just make use of it. Here’s how our finder looks, returning a promise:


  findAll: function(subreddit) {
    return $.getJSON("http://www.reddit.com/r/" + subreddit + "/.json?jsonp=?").then(
      function(response) {
        return response.data.children.map(function (child) {
          return App.RedditLink.create(child.data);


Notice that we’re returning the result of $.getJSON, but also calling then on it. This means that the Promise that our findAll method returns will eventually resolve to our list of RedditLink objects. Here’s how you could you could call it and log the results from the subreddit /r/aww:

App.RedditLink.findAll('aww').then(function (links) {
  console.log(links); // logs the array of links after it loads

Putting it all together

I’ve created a github project that puts all the code from this blog entry together.

The code for the application is quite short, which I think reflects Ember’s greatest strength: as a developer you have to write less code to get stuff done.

I implore you to not be scared off by Ember Data’s current state. Ember itself is quite stable, and it’s easy to get started with AJAX calls like this today.